Out Patient Department functions all week days.
Mon-Sat 9AM-1PM and 4:30PM-8PM
We treat conditions affecting the ears, nose and throat (larynx and pharynx),
All our staff are committed to providing the highest standards of care.
We regularly audit our practice and act upon constructive comments in order to improve
the service we provide.
We offer a range of surgery and treatments including:
Conditions of the ear:
Conditions and surgery of the ear
Hearing and deafness
Hearing aids and how to get one
Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
Dizziness and vertigo
Infections of the ear
Glue ear
Perforated ear drum
Cholesteatoma / mastoid operations
Meniere's disease
Ear trauma by cellphone,slapping,accidents
Conditions of the throat:
Adenoid surgery
Tonsil surgery
Sore throat
Bad breath (halitosis)
Hoarseness and laryngitis
Snoring and obstructive sleep apneoa.
Conditions of the nose:
Sinus infection (sinusitis)
Rhino-sinusitus in children
Rhino-sinusitis and dairy allergy
Nasal injuries
Nasal polyps
Tumors of the nose
Nasal obstructions
Surgery on the nose - Rhinoplasty
Surgery on the nose - Septal surgery
Functional Endoscipic Sinus Surgery (FESS).
Conditions of the head and neck:
Facial skin lesions
Head and neck cancer
Parotid surgery
Submandibular gland surgery
Neck dissections Thyroid surgery.
Outpatient has all modern ENT facilities
Video Otoscopy
Pure tone audiometry
Impedence Audiometry
BERA Brain stem evoked response audiometry
OAE Oto acoustic evoked response audiometry
Hearing assessment for children
Nasal Endoscopy
Allergy Testing
X ray
Video laryngoscopy
Fibre optic laryngoscopy
Speech therapy
Thereis in-house Pharmacy with all ENT medications and related products
How to reach us:
The hospital is situated on the west end of Cowley Brown Road R.S Puram
Coimbatore which is famous for hospitals and clinics in the city. It is located very next to
R.S.Puram ulavar shndhai a well known landmark. the Cowley brown Rd is easily
accessible from Mettupalayam Road and Thadagam Road.Vehicle parking available
For appointments Click to E-mail or
Phone : 0422 2552592 , 2550157